Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Who Will Silence Our Cries?

by Seah Greenhorn
(Poem with copyright)

Daily "All creation keeps on groaning."
Jointly adorning
black veils of mourning.

Brotherly we cower
Seek shelter from showers

of suicides;
natural disasters
and violence


The world over
like creeping vine
strangling our children,
our parents
and thus weakening us
zapping our powers.

Are drugs and alcohol the answer
to dull the nausea of this cancer?

No...Awaken we must
And learn who to trust

To yank us from the fire of consuming anger--

A danger
threatening both
friends and strangers.

But who can numb our pain?
And who can diminish the shame--

Since each of us is somewhat accountable?

Who will extinguish the flame
and totally exonerate our blame

Take away the notion "unlovable?"

Who will silence our cries
Stop the tragic "good-byes"
of adversities stripping us dry?

Well...why not raise our hearts to the sky?

Ask Our Creator the big questions of "why."

His distance is not far
Since His children we are,
So He won't our answers deny.

He's sincerely a Father that cares.

Speak our minds; he'll answer our prayers.

And thus by reading his word
And his Principles observe

This "God of all comfort" teaches us not to fear.

His voice can speak loud and clear:

"This is the way. Walk in it" He'll say.
Then soon He'll wipe completely away

The reasons for all of our tears.

This is how we cope
during our turbulent years.

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