by Seah Greenhorn
(Poem with copyright)
"Arch Duke Ferdinand held
international center stage.
His instantaneous tragic death captured
historical front page.
Held an entire world hostage
While I kept peace at bay.
My cronies, true princes of darkness--a third
like me angrily ousted from our once
designated heavenly home
by over righteous older brother
favored. Now enthroned.
Well I will show all
(heaven and earth)
who really rules the roost.
Why God gave me birth
to choose. Free-will. Ha! Everyone will me follow.
God Almighty, your mistake. You lose!
You just can't overlook my glorious beauty
my intelligence, though true, me you gave.
But mankind wants my guidance,
as it leads to the grave.
For I give what they want
independence and power.
See how they willingly fight each other
blood spilling to their final hour.
I've got them all hooked.
As Dracula they don't even believe.
Yet through my horrors daily performed
a cloak of intense dark fear
their hearts will adorn.
To the death they prefer me
international center stage.
His instantaneous tragic death captured
historical front page.
Held an entire world hostage
While I kept peace at bay.
My cronies, true princes of darkness--a third
like me angrily ousted from our once
designated heavenly home
by over righteous older brother
favored. Now enthroned.
Well I will show all
(heaven and earth)
who really rules the roost.
Why God gave me birth
to choose. Free-will. Ha! Everyone will me follow.
God Almighty, your mistake. You lose!
You just can't overlook my glorious beauty
my intelligence, though true, me you gave.
But mankind wants my guidance,
as it leads to the grave.
For I give what they want
independence and power.
See how they willingly fight each other
blood spilling to their final hour.
I've got them all hooked.
As Dracula they don't even believe.
Yet through my horrors daily performed
a cloak of intense dark fear
their hearts will adorn.
To the death they prefer me
1: As always, subject matter must be of historical significance. Make sure we know what you are writing about.
2: The most important thing about history is that it involves people. To illustrate this, pick an historical event and a person (real or imagined) who was at that event and in the first person, describe the event from that individual’s point of view. (For instance, a person in the audience at Lincoln’s assassination.)
Don’t be afraid to use dialogue but don’t let the language get too loose and prosaic. It may be difficult to work in metaphors or excessively poetic language.
You want a believable, everyday (for the times) voice. Use slang, have fun with language. (Example) You will be judged on historical accuracy. Pre-writes now being accepted. Enjoy.
This contest has no rules regarding rhyme, length, or form, but it must be poetic in nature. We're not looking for a prose story. If you enter or not, we hope you will consider joining our group. History is an exciting subject to write about and we hope we can expand your appreciation and imagination concerning this topic.
Thank you.
Marcia Ellen Beevre
As war raged in heaven, the earth felt its affects, but attention was caught up in the international diversion of WWI. Satan was there and the cause of lack of peace in both places. Revelation 12:12; 1 John 2:17; Matt. 24: 3, 4; 2 Timothy 3:1-5
2: The most important thing about history is that it involves people. To illustrate this, pick an historical event and a person (real or imagined) who was at that event and in the first person, describe the event from that individual’s point of view. (For instance, a person in the audience at Lincoln’s assassination.)
Don’t be afraid to use dialogue but don’t let the language get too loose and prosaic. It may be difficult to work in metaphors or excessively poetic language.
You want a believable, everyday (for the times) voice. Use slang, have fun with language. (Example) You will be judged on historical accuracy. Pre-writes now being accepted. Enjoy.
This contest has no rules regarding rhyme, length, or form, but it must be poetic in nature. We're not looking for a prose story. If you enter or not, we hope you will consider joining our group. History is an exciting subject to write about and we hope we can expand your appreciation and imagination concerning this topic.
Thank you.
Marcia Ellen Beevre
As war raged in heaven, the earth felt its affects, but attention was caught up in the international diversion of WWI. Satan was there and the cause of lack of peace in both places. Revelation 12:12; 1 John 2:17; Matt. 24: 3, 4; 2 Timothy 3:1-5