Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Certainty

A Certainty

by Seah Greenhorn
(Poem with copyright)

A certainty; as air I breathe,
polluted, true. I can agree. Though,
still-in-all, a necessity.

Yes, this I know...
the path of souls
in which they go.

A commonality
of mammal and man,
in life a span,
sadly, short of hand,
like kite yanked loose
by forceful wind;

yet in the end
under mournful mounds
of variant soils

true treasures dispersed
ardent works and toils
for you in vain
since on this plain of dust or rain
no love, no thoughts
still minds retain.

For who has really shown to you
a solid form of past renewed?
Wouldn't war victims who
once loved so true
assuredly reassure
their loved ones too?

A spirit once spitefully spoke this lie:
you eat this fruit, you will not die.
To thus continue this deceit
elusive visuals fraudulently conceived
hapless hearts innocently

choose to believe.

Though peaceful, yes indeed they lay
in darkened tombs and hollowed graves
their memories
precious gems lovingly kept
as for a time
tragic tears many wept.

Absolute truths thankfully unveil
the covered pits
removes the scales
that blind and bind most humankind;
reveals waters of a source Divine.

From pure life-giving clear rivers
once dead ones will drink
beside happy earthly families
who chose to think

upon a glorious elevated name.

This One
fights injustice;

lies and hypocrisy



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